Call for Proposals – Undertaking a Study to Assess the Situation of Human Rights Defenders Working in the Oil and Extractive Sector of Uganda

Please refer to the attached downloads for details.


Interested and qualified consultants should submit their application which should include the following:

  1. A technical proposal including the consultants understanding of the terms of reference, an inception report detailing the proposed work plan and details of similar tasks completed successfully;
  2. A financial proposal in detail (avoiding where possible, block figures);
  3. Current Curriculum vitae of lead consultant and all other associates to be engaged in the study;
  4. Submissions should be made via email to or hand delivered to the Office of the Executive Director, National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders-Uganda Plot 148, SEMAWATTA ROAD, NTINDA, KAMPALA with Reference; Consultancy NO.01/2020.
  5. The closing date for receiving both the technical and financial proposals is Wednesday 25th March, 2020 at 05:00pm.
  6. Only short-listed consultants/firms will be contacted

Download Attachment
Call for Expression of Interest -2020