Terms of Reference for Developing, installation and follow-up training for staff in a Comprehensive, Management Information System (MIS).

The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders Uganda (NCHRD-U) is a registered organization of various organizations and individual Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) that was formed in 2013. It seeks to strengthen the work of HRDs throughout the country through synergy and collaboration at national and international level to enhance the protection mechanisms for HRDs and their capacity to effectively defend human rights. NCHRD-U focuses its work in all regions in Uganda. 

The Coalition Secretariat has in partnership with various partners to support HRDs aiming at Protection of Human Rights Defenders Uganda. NCHRD-U’s purpose is to protect and promote the work of HRDs in safe and secure environment through linkages with national, regional and international entities. Individuals and organizations working to promote the protection of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) in Uganda. Further information about the Organization and what it does, can be found on our website: www.hrdcoalition.ug 

1.0 Introduction 

The NCHRD-U seeks services from reputable companies and/or individuals to develop a comprehensive, integrated MIS to strengthen its Monitoring and Evaluation System. NCHRD-U anticipates an MIS that will support and streamline planning, track the and collecting progress data to assess the results (Low and higher level) of its projects and programs. It will also entail tracking of progress made towards the implementation of its strategic plan and any other approved projects. The system will also monitor inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes to enable NCHRD-U evaluate the effectiveness of its projects, strategies, programmes and plans. 

2.0 Justification of the assignment 

The Coalition runs several projects and programs to achieve its vision and mission. These projects and programs are run across several regions and from different donors who require different and comprehensive approaches towards measuring the performance of their projects based on agreed indicators. 

In order to measure project/program progress towards achieving set milestones, the MEL team designed Monitoring and Evaluations Frameworks that guide planning, progress reporting and learning. 

The MEL team also aligned different project frameworks to the consolidated organizational program-based M&E framework, this streamlined the processes of data collection, management (data cleaning & analysis) and reporting to some extent in a manual and tedious way. 

The challenge however is when the M&E system is manually operated, it is time consuming, costly, delays data capture, management and reporting and is subject to various human of errors. M&E information remains disjointed and scattered in various project templates and reports. Manual M&E systems require Monitoring and Evaluation team in each of the project target areas or even projects to effectively carry out M&E. These are often fully engaged in the tedious process of data capturing, management and reporting. 

Therefore, in order to better aid planning, monitoring, budgeting, reporting, and evaluation within and across different projects, NCHRD-U needs an automate computerized and user-friendly MIS The desired system should be able to generate timely, regular, accurate and targeted data and inforgraphics for reporting and decision making by donors, Development partners, Board, Management and Staff. This automated system should be more efficient, allows data entry, review and quick analysis. It should have the capacity to accommodate all the performance indicators (both qualitative and quantitate) in projects/programmes frameworks, as well as give room for future enhancements. 

3.0 Overall objective of the assignment 

The primary objective of the consultancy is to design an Integrated, computerized / automated MIS that tracks the implementation of NCHRD-U’s projects & programs and progress towards attainment of Strategic plans, goals, and targets at activity, output and outcome levels. 

3.1 Responsibilities and Tasks 

The main responsibility of the Assignment is to develop an Integrated and Automated MIS for NCHRD-U based on a critical appraisal of its current Monitoring and Evaluation system and Framework. Preferred specifications include; 

  1. a) Identify an appropriate proprietary software / program/platform for hosting the system., This should be simple, affordable based on the NCHRD-U program portfolio. 
  2. b) Design and install a comprehensive integrated computerized MIS on the secure server. 
  3. c) At the inception stage, assist with population of relevant data for the system and provide an job training on M&E skills required to run the system to the responsible staff in the M&E department, staff at NCHRD-U and other stakeholders as you will be directed; 
  4. d) Work with the M&E department as a counterpart in the assignment. 

Preferred specifications/requirements. 

The ideal MIS is expected to have the following provisions and specification. Additional requirements may be added during the inception/design phase. 

  1. a) Proprietary source software tailored to NCHRD-U MEL needs 
  2. b) User friendly for program and MEL team with minimal IT experience 
  3. c) Ability to generate infographics and dashboards summarizing data, trends by various disaggregation as and when required. 
  4. d) Secure with password protection and double authentication 
  5. e) Provision for online analysis, sorting, filtering to generate the necessary data trends and reports by specific indicator, Location, programs or projects area to mention but afew. 
  6. f) Database for all the activity and indicator data 
  7. g) Geographical information System (GIS) capabilities and integration 
  8. h) Task manager with automated reminders 

4.0 Methodology 

The Consultant shall develop the most suitable methodology in line with the assignment. This should be detailed in the technical proposal. 

5.0 Expected outputs/ deliverables 

During the assignment, the Consultant will be expected to ensure the production, delivery and execution of the following outputs and indicated timeframes: 

Table 1. Key tasks, expected outputs and related timeframe for submission of the outputs. Task 



Technical and financial proposal 


1 day 

Dummy MIS layout and specifications 

1 day 

Inception meeting 

Inception report 

0.5 day 

Consolidated M&E Frameworks, project frameworks and relevant documents. 

Gap identification report 

5 days 

Design and install a comprehensive integrated computerized MIS 

An Automated M&E system installed and networked 

10 days 

Train and support staff in using the system 

Staff able to use the system ably 

2 days 

Prepare and submit an installation and operational report 

Final assignment report 

4 days 

After installation on call technical support 

2 months 

6.0 Duration of the Assignment 

The assignment is expected to be carried out in a period of 30 working days 

7.0 Budget and Payment 

The consultant should provide an indicative budget per day in Uganda Shillings. 

The consultant will be paid professional fees as compensation for his/her technical/professional expertise and time invested in the delivery of the expected outputs. This will be discussed and agreed amicably for a win-win for both the consultant and the NCHRDU. 

Notable is that the Consultant will be responsible for declaration of the income for income tax purposes and where applicable, NCHRDU will make 6% statutory deductions (from the gross payment) payable to Uganda Revenue Authority as withholding tax in accordance with the income tax regulations of Uganda 

8.0 Skills/Competencies 

  1. a. The Team/consultant/consultancy firm should have a minimum of a Master’s Degree in Computer Science, software engineering, IT or any relevant qualification. 
  2. b. Experience in M&E frameworks and systems development 
  3. c. At least five (5 years of relevant work experience in development planning and monitoring and evaluation. The consultant should have prior experience in designing, developing and supporting implementation of computerized and web-enabled MIS systems 
  4. d. Considerable past experience in the design and operationalization of similar automated systems is an added advantage. 

9.0 Application Process 

NCHRD-U requires that you submit both technical and financial proposals covering the following: 

a. CV of expert/s; 

b. Evidence of previous experience especially in developing similar systems; 

c. Technical proposal (1-2 pages) highlighting the system design, approaches and tools required, 

including timeframe for delivery of the key outputs; 

d. Financial proposal. These should be emailed to info@hrdcoalition.ug not later than 4pm on the 30th September 2022 subject “MEL SYSTEM”