Call for Proposals – Terms of reference for purchase of an advanced version of Quick Books


NCHRD-U, created in 2013 brings together over 149 individuals and organizations working to provide a unified voice and coordinated focusing on addressing the shared goal of the promotion of the protection of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs). A Human Rights Defender is an individual acting in his or her own capacity or under any Organization or in association with others, does acts or actions that contribute or lead to the protection and promotion of human rights in a peaceful manner.

1.0 Background

This project seeks to strengthen the capacity of NCHRD-U as an institution to effectively deliver on its protection mandate and serve the HRD fraternity in contributing to a safe and secure working environment.  The Coalition requires an advanced version of Quick books for better digitalized and efficient accountability. With increased virtual working of the team due to intermittent interruptions due to government lock downs and staff working from several sites as they conduct their various work, NCHRD-U is looking at upgrading the current version of quick books to enable managers and approvers have a better grip on the grants even when in office physically. We are looking at adopting an Enterprise Resource planning version. This will improve on time efficiency in terms of securing approvals and reduce on paper use.

Therefore, is seeking proposals from competent firms or individuals to supply Quick books financial management system, customize and install the accounting software commensurate with the size and scope of the organization. The tasks shall include training of user staff in the accounting system too. The financial management system will be an integrated system, with a common set of procedures and consolidated set of Interim Financial Reports (IFR) which includes; financial report, budget status reports and update burn rates.

The system shall comply with International Accounting Standards, based on principles of double-entry bookkeeping and considering cash and accrual basis of accounting.

2.0 Objective of the assignment

To acquire an advanced version of Quick books for better digitalized and efficient accountability

3.0 Methodology and Scope of Work

  1. The Consultant is expected to select the most appropriate methodology in order to install and train staff.
  2. Supply, Install, design and customize Enterprise Resource planning. QuickBooks to the fit of the organization. This should include budget management and Electric payment approval profiles.
  3. Train 12 staff in the use and operation of the package. (5 finance and Administration staff and 7 Programme staff)
  4. Quality assure the chart of the accounts setup and reporting system established to ensure it will meet the bookkeeping, Budgeting and reporting requirements of the institution.
  5. Support the user organization with after sales service for the users of the package.

4.0 Expected Deliverables

The required outputs from this consultancy shall include but not limited to;

  1. Quick-books accounting package supplied and installed.
  2. Institutional staff trained in the use of the package.
  3. Technical support after sales and training.

5.0 Duration of the Assignment

The assignment is expected to be carried out over a period of 14 working days.

6.0 Budget 

The consultant should provide an indicative budget per day in Uganda Shillings.

7.0 Profile and Qualifications of the Consultant

The consultant will have the following competencies and skills:

Evidence of previous experience in supply of accounting packages. Experience in supply and installation of Quick books specifically will be an added advantage.

Evidence of experience in supporting teams with training where Quick books has been supplied.

8.0 Application Process

Interested suppliers should submit their proposals (Technical and Financial) accompanied by a current CV, detailed profile indicating assignments of the similar consul nature, names and addresses of three reputable referees, and contact details (e-mail, telephone). The consultant (s) should send the following information to by 5pm on the 7th October 2021 with Reference; Consultancy NO.06/2021. (Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted)