Our team grid

  • Richard Engoot

    Logistics and Transport Officer

    NCHRDU celebrated HRD day 2022 in Mbarara, Western Uganda. It was the first of its kind and during...

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  • Babirye Prossy

    Capacity Building Officer

    It was an exciting time when NCHRD-U won a grant from the Democratic Governance Facility (DGF) in...

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  • Gladys Mirembe

    Executive and Finance Assistant

    The HRD awards 2022 were an emotional time, especially the award going to the Top nominee who was...

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  • Patrick Alobia

    Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

    Patrick is a monitoring, evaluation research and learning practitioner, with five-years’ experience...

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  • Stephen Mbarushimana

    Project Coordinator

    Stephen is an experienced social worker and Human Rights Specialist with over 20 years of expertise...

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  • Pious Nsajja

    Communications Officer

    Pious is in charge of developing and implementing our effective communications strategies for external...

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how can we help you?

Contact us at the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders, Uganda  office nearest to you or submit an inquiry online.

The NCHRD-U uses its values to make decisions and these deliberate choices focus on what is important to us as HRDs, supporting us with vital capacity building, joint advocacy efforts, risk assessments and practical protection support. When values are shared, they build internal cohesion in a group. Friends of ZOKA (FoZ) is an Environmental Rights NGO that advocates for rights to clean environment, protection of forests and wildlife reserves, redress in energy and climate change emergencies. As FoZ, we always say that; We must know that No amount of impunity Globally can tame nature, it’s only respect and living in harmony with nature can do so. If we forget that nature is supreme, nature will always displace our wealth and sovereignty.

Amanzuru William Leslie
Environmental Rights Defender and EU Human Rights Defenders of the year 2019,

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