Terms of Reference for an Abridged Consultancy Process towards Development of Strategic Plan for the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (NCHRDU) 2022-2026


The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders Uganda (NCHRD-U) is a registered organization of various organizations and individual Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) that was formed in 2013. It seeks to strengthen the work of HRDs throughout the country through synergy and collaboration at national and international level to enhance the protection mechanisms for HRDs and their capacity to effectively defend human rights. NCHRD-U focuses its work in all regions in Uganda. 

The Coalition Secretariat has in partnership with various partners to support HRDs aiming at Protection of Human Rights Defenders Uganda. NCHRD-U’s purpose is to protect and promote the work of HRDs in safe and secure environment through linkages with national, regional and international entities. Individuals and organizations working to promote the protection of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) in Uganda. Further information about the Organization and what it does, can be found on our website: www.hrdcoalition.ug 

1.0 Introduction 

The NCHRDU is a dynamic and fast-growing non-governmental organization that focuses on addressing the work environment of HRDs in Uganda. It offers individual HRDs and organizations the opportunity to succeed through capacity building, health, legal and psychosocial support, and advocacy programs. Additionally, the Coalition works to improve the safety and security of HRDs and the environment they operate. 

In order to deliver on its mandate, NCHRDU recognizes the value of developing a strategic plan to assess the strengths and weaknesses of our approach and to consider the internal and external factors that influence the trajectory of our work. NCHRDU plans to develop a five-year strategic plan for 2022-2026, to reconfirm the Organization’s vision and to establish a design process and approach for the effective implementation and sustainability of its mandate over the next five years. NCHRDU firmly believes that its staff members, members, partners and key stakeholders are at the center of this strategic planning effort, helping to assess ways in which to strengthen the impact of the organization, providing direct input into consultations. 

Based on that, NCHRD-U seeks to identify a consultant to provide support towards review of its current strategic plan. The Consultant will build on existing raw data to finalize the strategic planning process. 

2.0 Objective of the assignment 

The overall objectives of this consultancy are: 

Develop a new (five years) Strategic Plan for the period 2022 – 2026 to ensure that the NCHRDU effectively and efficiently fulfills its mandate 

3.0 Scope of Work 

The scope of work for the Consultant will include but not limited to: 

  1. Review and re-align the previous strategic plan’s evaluation report to guide the development of the 5-year strategic plan. 
  2. Review and re-align the vision, mission and goal based on NCHRDU’s mandated objectives; 
  3. Review and propose changes if any to the situation analysis of the NCHRDU including: its Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) as a platform for engagement towards protection of human rights defenders in the human rights sub sector; 
  4. Review and re-align the institutional capacity, organizational set-up, financial and administrative systems against NCHRDU’s mandated objectives and the identified corporate goals, strategic objectives and key result areas, KPIs and make recommendations, if any; 
  5. Propose strategies for achieving the corporate goals, strategic objectives and key results; 
  6. Develop a Results and Resources Framework for the plan period; 
  7. Hold one stakeholder meeting to validate the draft Strategic Plan; 
  8. Propose monitoring and evaluating strategies and mechanisms to ensure the effective implementation of the Strategic Plan; 
  9. Finalize Strategic Plan and submit final strategic plan to the NCHRDU secretariat. 

4.0 Methodology 

The Consultant shall develop the most suitable methodology in line with the assignment. This should be detailed in the technical proposal. 

5.0 Expected Deliverables 

The key deliverables are: 

  1. i) A refined five-year NCHRDU strategic plan and budget, 2022 – 2026; 
  2. ii) A refined five -year NCHRDU strategic plan monitoring and evaluation framework; 

Notable: All deliverables shall be submitted in 2 copies; in hardcopy and softcopy in editable format. 

5.0 Duration of the Assignment 

The assignment is expected to be carried out in a period of 21 working days 4 | P a g e 

6.0 Budget and Payment 

The consultant should provide an indicative budget per day in Uganda Shillings. 

The consultant will be paid professional fees as compensation for his/her technical/professional expertise and time invested in the delivery of the expected outputs. This will be discussed and agreed amicably for a win-win for both the consultant and the NCHRDU 

Notable is that the Consultant will be responsible for declaration of the income for income tax purposes and where applicable, NCHRDU will make 6% statutory deductions (from the gross payment) payable to Uganda Revenue Authority as withholding tax in accordance with the income tax regulations of Uganda 

7.0 Expertise 

  1. Academic Qualifications Relevant Master’s degree in any of the following academic disciplines: Organizational development and psychology; Human Rights, Monitoring and Evaluation; 
  2. Experience: Over five year’s professional experience in strategic planning and management consultancy; experience in human rights work, Prior work experience in the carrying out performance program/project evaluations 
  3. Demonstrated experience in working with government partners and other stakeholders in CSO sector development programs, especially in the area of capacity building, evaluation and organizational development. 
  4. Skills and Competencies: 
    1. Ability to work with minimal supervision; 
    2. Proven excellent written and oral communications skills in English; 
    3. Application/use of innovative and effective tools for stakeholder’s engagement in the collection of required information and feedback; 
    4. Must be results-oriented, a team player, exhibiting high level of enthusiasm, tacit, diplomacy and integrity; 
    5. Demonstrates excellent interpersonal and professional skills in respect to engagement with stakeholders and partners; 
    6. Excellent analytical, facilitation and communication skills for effective stakeholder engagements/workshops; 
    7. Evidence of having undertaken similar assignments; 
    8. Experience in research, policy development, management and programming-related work. 
    9. Excellent writing and reporting skills; 
    10. Ability to work efficiently and deliver on committed outputs under the assignment within agreed timelines and deadlines 

7.0 Application Process 

Interested and qualified candidates should submit their applications which should include the following: 

  1. Technical proposal 
  2. Financial proposal 
  3. Detailed Curriculum Vitae 

Please quote “Strategic Plan – National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders – Uganda” on the subject line. 

Applications should be emailed to info@hrdcoalition.ug to reach us not later than 4pm on the 24th March 2022. 

[pdf-embedder url=”https://hrdcoalition.ug/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Revised-for-Development-of-strategic-plan-for-NCHRD-U..pdf” title=”Revised for Development of strategic plan for NCHRD-U.”]