Terms of Reference for Consultancy to Develop Resource Mobilisation Strategy for the NCHRDU 2022-2026

About the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders

The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders Uganda (NCHRD-U) is a registered organization of various organizations and individual Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) that was formed in 2013. It seeks to strengthen the work of HRDs throughout the country through synergy and collaboration at national and international level to enhance the protection mechanisms for HRDs and their capacity to effectively defend human rights. NCHRD-U focuses its work in all regions in Uganda.

The Coalition Secretariat has in partnership with various partners to support HRDs aiming at Protection of Human Rights Defenders Uganda. NCHRD-U’s purpose is to protect and promote the work of HRDs in safe and secure environment through linkages with national, regional and international entities. Individuals and organizations working to promote the protection of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) in Uganda. Further information about the Organization and what it does, can be found on our website: www.hrdcoalition.ug

1.0 Introduction

The NCHRDU is a dynamic and fast-growing non-governmental organization that focuses on addressing the work environment of HRDs in Uganda. It offers individual HRDs and organizations the opportunity to succeed through Coordination, Networking and collaboration; Capacity building; Protection and emergency response; Advocacy; Research, visibility and knowledge management programs. Additionally, the Coalition works to improve the safety and security of HRDs and the environment they operate.

To ensure the continuation of the Coalition’s service provision to human rights defenders and support organizational sustainability, the NCHRDU recognizes the need to have a resource mobilization and partnership policy and strategy. This will allow the Secretariat to organize the processes of prioritizing, planning, selecting projects, monitoring, broadening the resource channels as well as coordinating with members or mobilizing and effectively utilizing resources.

The overall goal of this exercise is to diversify and strengthen the donor base and increase strategic partnerships; and to equip the office with key related materials for partnerships and resources. The Strategy should also look at broader partnerships to leverage resources as well as partnerships for protection of Human Rights Defenders.

Based on that, NCHRD-U seeks to identify a consultant (individual or a firm) to undertake the above assignment.

2.0  Objective of the assignment

The overall objective of this consultancy is Development of the Resource Mobilization Strategy 2022-2026.

3.0 Scope of Work

Activities and Tasks:

  1. Undertake strategic mapping of donor, business, and Government interests, priorities and funding windows to inform targeting of resource mobilization efforts.
  2. Draft the Resource Mobilization Strategy 2022-2026 for NCHRD-U (following the review of key relevant documents, and discussions with programme staff and partners).
  3. Develop an action plan (2-3 years) for engagement with potential partners, donors, businesses, in a sustainable partnership [to be included as annex in the Strategy].
  4. Identify NCHRD-U selling points for each department.
  5. Conduct a stakeholder mapping of the different partners whom the Coalition can approach for resources and funding
  6. Develop 6 sectoral concept notes for resource mobilization based on the strategy (Coordination, Networking and collaboration; Capacity building; Protection and emergency response; Advocacy; Research, visibility and knowledge management and performance and effectiveness of NCHRD-U secretariat). An action plan for each section with targets that outlines clear timelines for the action proposed and includes a modality for building the capacity of key staff in mobilizing and leveraging resources and developing and maintaining partnerships to ensure the achievement of fundraising targets [to be included as annexes in the Strategy]; Each Concept Note should have a Summary 1-2 pager.
  7. Develop a resource mobilization package which includes: i. Strategic project briefs, that pitch key indicatives that NCHRD-U is working on, including Coordination, Networking and collaboration; Capacity building; Protection and emergency response; Advocacy; Research, visibility and knowledge management and performance and effectiveness of NCHRD-U secretariat). ii. Case Statements for private sector that capture the need, solution, and call to action for potential private donors, and how they benefit from supporting.

The Resource Mobilization Strategy should include, but not be limited to the following components: I. Context and overview II. The NCHRD-U programme 2022-2026 budget structure III. Resource mobilization analysis of the 2017-2021 period, including funded and unfunded priorities and lessons learnt from the resource mobilization efforts of the NCHRD-U programme. 3 IV. Analysis of the resource mobilization environment [with a dedicated section for current donors and domestic resource mobilization and another introductory part to the private sector engagement] V. Strategy for resource mobilization partnerships to ensure results for protection for Human Rights Defenders, including focus on domestic mobilization of resources, based on the budget briefs. VI. Specific action plan for mobilizing and leveraging resources for priority areas.

  1. Familiarization with the history, review the vision, mission and goal based on NCHRDU’s mandated objectives;

4.0 Methodology

The Consultant shall develop the most suitable methodology in line with the assignment. This should be detailed in the technical proposal.

5.0 Expected Deliverables

The key deliverables are:

  1. Resource Mobilization Strategy 2022-2026
  2. 2–3-year Action plan [as annex in the Strategy];
  3. Donor mapping that highlights areas of donor interests, priorities, and the calendar of calls for proposals. The Donor mapping should include an action plan/timeline for proposal development.
  4. Resource Mobilization Package: including project briefs and case statements.


Key Activities/Tasks: Deliverables/Outputs:
i) Undertake strategic mapping of donor, business, and Government interests, priorities and funding windows to inform targeting of resource mobilization efforts. Donor mapping & Action Plan
(ii) Draft the Resource Mobilization Strategy 2022-2026 Resource Mobilization Strategy 2022-2026.
(iii) Develop an action plan (2-3 years) for engagement with potential partners, donors, businesses, in a sustainable partnership [to be included as annex in the Strategy]; Action plan [as annex in the Strategy];
(iv) Develop 6 sectoral concept notes for resource mobilization based on the strategy [to be included as annexes in the Strategy; and 6 1-2 pager summaries]; 6 sectoral concept notes [as annexes in the Strategy]; and 6 1-2 pager summaries];
(v) Resource mobilization package, including Project Briefs and Case Statements clearly answering the who, what and why for the fundraising efforts. Package inclusive of Project briefs on 6 key initiatives (Coordination, Networking and collaboration; Capacity building; Protection and emergency response; Advocacy, Research, visibility and knowledge management and performance and effectiveness of NCHRD-U secretariat); Case Statements.



Payment of professional fees will be based on submission of agreed deliverables which receive satisfactory quality review. Payment will be made in 3 installments: 40% of the fee upon completion and approval of the inception report,30% upon completion of the 1st deliverable (Donor mapping; and Resource Mobilization Strategy 2022-2026.) and finally 30% of the total fee upon completion and approval by NCHRD-U of the 2nd deliverable (The Action Plan and 6 Concept Notes, as part of Annexes).

Notable: All deliverables shall be submitted in 2 copies; in hardcopy and softcopy in editable format.

6.0 Duration of the Assignment

The assignment is expected to be carried out in a period of 14 working days

7.0 Budget and Payment

The consultant should provide an indicative budget per day in Uganda Shillings.

The consultant will be paid professional fees as compensation for his/her technical/professional expertise and time invested in the delivery of the expected outputs. This will be discussed and agreed amicably for a win-win for both the consultant and the NCHRDU.

Notable is that the Consultant will be responsible for declaration of the income for income tax purposes and where applicable, NCHRDU will make 6% statutory deductions (from the gross payment) payable to Uganda Revenue Authority as withholding tax in accordance with the income tax regulations of Uganda

 8.0 Expertise


  1. Master’s degree in university degree in social sciences (communication, Organizational development and psychology; Human Rights, media, journalism, public relations, or business administration, finance, economics).
  2. A minimum 5 years of proven work experience in resource mobilization, partnerships management, donor proposals writing and human rights work and funding strategy development.
  3. Ability to lead formulation of strategies and their implementation.
  1. Demonstrated experience in working with government partners and other stakeholders in CSO sector development programs.
  1. Demonstrated experience in coordination and strong writing skills.
  2. Prior experience and/or knowledge of NCHRD-U Programme will be an added advantage.
  3. Proficiency in English (written and oral)

9.0 Application Process

Interested and qualified candidates should submit their applications which should include the following:

  1. Technical proposal
  2. Financial proposal
  3. Detailed Curriculum Vitae

Please quote “Resource mobilization strategy – National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders – Uganda” on the subject line.

Applications should be emailed to info@hrdcoalition.ug to reach us not later than 4pm on the 20th May 2022.