Call for Proposals – Consultancy towards Assessment of Protection Needs & Existing Response Mechanisms for LGBTIQ Rights Defenders in Uganda

About the National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders-Uganda

 The National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders Uganda (NCHRD-U) is a registered organization of various organizations and individual Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) that was formed in 2013. It seeks to strengthen the work of HRDs throughout the country through synergy and collaboration at national and international level to enhance the protection mechanisms for HRDs and their capacity to effectively defend human rights. NCHRD-U focuses its work in all regions in Uganda.

NCHRD-U’s purpose is to protect and promote the work of HRDs in safe and secure environment through linkages with national, regional and international entities. Individuals and organizations working to promote the protection of Human Rights Defenders (HRD) in Uganda. Further information about the Organisation and what it does, can be found on our website:

1.0 Background

The Coalition Secretariat continues to extend emergency protection services to human rights defenders that need them, despite contextual challenges. For the key population community in Uganda which includes the LGBTQI, safety and security has always been and continues to be one of their biggest concerns. This is because equality and non-discrimination are still not fully enjoyed by key populations in Uganda. The social, political, economic and legal environment still often works against the key population community. This situation often translates into several human rights violations, including inhuman and degrading treatment and violence against the key populations community or individuals.

The year 2020 has seen some unique challenges as a result of the unprecedented effects of COVID-19. In 2020, Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) conducted a rapid situational analysis of security and safety for the key populations’ community of activists and individuals.  It cited the following key impediments for key populations persons that have an equally sharp effect on HRDs in the sector, including: (1) the misuse and misinterpretation of the COVID-19 by-laws in the form of the Presidential Guidelines led to several re-occurring human rights violations against the key populations community, such as arbitrary arrests, arbitrary detention, lack of due process and torture and inhuman and degrading treatment while in custody; (2) blackmail as a security issue was rampant; and (3) Presidential restrictions brought about by the efforts to contain the spread of the virus had an effect on the mental safety and health of key populations persons.

The Coalition is part of the Security working Group (SWG) which is one of the response mechanisms and platform that was created to respond to the cases and discuss issues affecting the LGBTIQ HRDs and community in general.

2.0 Description of the Assignment

The Coalition is seeking services of a technical consultant to assess the protection needs and existing response mechanisms for LGBTIQ Human Rights Defenders in Uganda. Findings of this consultancy will support and help streamline protection support to key population HRDs and improve response towards this specific thematic cluster. This will in the end provide a robust, structured and inclusive complimentary emergency support to LGBTIQ HRDs in dire need, to assist them to effectively continue their work.

3.0 Objectives of the Assignment

The objectives of the assignment include the following;

  1. Assess the key population specific protection response approaches
  2. Assess and identify the existing response mechanisms and existing protection services available for the LGBTQI HRDs
  3. Map out HRD stakeholders managing the various protection needs for key populations HRDs.
  4. Help streamline protection support to key population HRDs and improve response towards this specific thematic cluster.
  5. Find out the areas of improvement in the protection and response mechanisms and additional protection services
  6. Provide a basis for a robust, structured and inclusive complimentary emergency support framework to LGBTIQ HRDs in dire need and to assist them to effectively continue their work.

4.0 Scope of the Assignment

The Assessment exercise is expected to be very comprehensive and as such it will cover the identified LGBTIQ HRDs and stakeholders across Uganda. The engagements will largely be done virtually due to the current lockdown through the existing mechanisms and forums. The NCHRD-U expects a detailed inception report from the consultant detailing the scope and proposed methodology.

5.0 Specific Outputs/Deliverables

Specific output expected out of the mapping process will be the following;

  1. Assessment report on the findings of the assessment exercise with recommendations.
  2. A Matrix/policy brief with specific and measurable recommendations


The assignment is planned to begin on 29th July 2021 and end no later than 17th August 2021.The duration of this assignment is estimated to last not more than 14 consecutive days.


The Consultant should have the following competencies:

  1. University degree in relevant field of development studies, human rights social sciences, law and Masters in any of the aforementioned field shall be an added advantage;
  2. Over 5 years’ experience working in human rights, rule of law, and good governance field and sexual and reproductive health rights with specific focus on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  3. Experience in the understanding and workings of Human Rights Defenders protection mechanisms.
  4. Excellent research, writing and presentation skills;
  5. Demonstrated ability to complete multifaceted tasks in an apt manner and convey quality results.


Interested and qualified consultants should submit their application which should include the following:

  1. A technical proposal including a proposed work plan and details of similar tasks completed successfully;
  2. A financial proposal in detail (avoiding where possible, block figures)
  3. Current Curriculum vitae
  4. Submissions should be made via email to
  5. The closing date for receiving both the technical and financial proposals is Friday 23rd July, 2021 at 5:00pm.
  6. Only short listed consultants/firms will be contacted