Call for Expression of Interest -Documentation of NCHRD-U Success Stories

2.0 Objective of the assignment

The main objective of the assignment is to document National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders-Uganda (NCHRD-U) achievements and success stories in print, photography, audio and video as told by the beneficiaries of its services. The outputs from the case studies shall highlight the achievements registered by NCHRD-U during the last three years of operation (2018-2020).

The specific objectives of this exercise are:

  • To generate case studies of beneficiaries for each of the three programmes.
  • To enable the Coalition, extract a ready source of materials for knowledge management, accountability, resource mobilization and up-scaling of proven interventions.
  • To capture video/audio and photographs that will accompany the case studies and document the programme’s achievements.

3.0 Methodology and Scope of Work

NCHRD-U is seeking the services of consultant(s) to document the programmes’ achievements through case success stories in print, photography, and video/audio (documentary) to showcase the work of HRDs at community level and the impact NCHRD-U initiatives have had on their work. The documentation will cover the various programmes of safety & security Systems Strengthening, HRD resilience, Protection Services (medical, legal, relocation, rest & respite). Documentation of the achievements should be told by the beneficiaries. The outputs from the success stories shall highlight the achievements registered by NCHRD-U in the last three years of implementation. The assignment will be carried out in Kasese, Kabarole, Hoima, Masindi, Gulu, Lira, Oyam, Iganga, Jinja, and Kampala.

The consultant is expected to select the most appropriate methodology in order to design and develop the documentary. The documentary will be shared with the NCHRD-u team for review. It will only be made in English with subtitles and translations where local dialect is used.

4.0 Expected Deliverables

The required outputs from this consultancy shall include but not limited to;

1.     Documentary

  • Produce a 20-minute documentary (with 5-minute mini- documentaries which would be good for Facebook/YouTube) showing the successful interventions on the beneficiaries across the selected regions.
  • Copy of all interview recordings and/or transcripts

2.     Photography

  • At least 300 high-resolution photographs, edited and captioned

5.0 Duration of the Assignment

The assignment is expected to be carried out over a period of 12 working days from the date of inception. The assignment will commence on 30th November 2020.

6.0 Budget 

The consultant should provide an indicative budget per day in Uganda Shillings.  The Coalition will facilitate the transportation of the consultant’s team to the field. The assignment is inclusive of upcountry travel.

7.0 Supervision and oversight 

The consultant will be supervised by the NCHRD-U Monitoring and Evaluation Officer with guidance from the Program Manager.

8.0 Profile and Qualifications of the Consultant

The consultant will have the following competencies and skills:

  • At least 5 years of relevant experience in communication and documentation
  • Demonstrated experience of designing and developing documentaries and MUST share a sample of previous similar work done.
  • Good track record to deliver high quality outputs within agreed timeframe,
  • Excellent English language skills, both written and spoken. 

7.0 Application Process

The consultant (s) should send the following information to by 4pm on the 25th November 2020 or hand delivered to National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders-Uganda Plot 148, SEMAWATTA ROAD, NTINDA, KAMPALA with Reference; Consultancy NO.04/2020. (Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted)

  • A brief proposal of no more than 2 page indicating how they will approach the task as outlined and including 2 references – at least 1 of which needs to be an organisation that work has been done for in the last 12 months.
  • At least 1 example of work completed in the last 12 months. If you are unable to provide this a clear explanation as to why must be provided in the proposal.
  • A budget for the consultancy which outlines an overall cost and a daily cost.

A brief profile/CV of the consultant(s) that will be responsible.


Please refer to the attached document for the full details of the call : Call for Expression of Interest -Documentation of NCHRD-U Success Stories